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As you may or may not know, my coffee obsession runs deep. I’ve been fascinated with coffee since high school. I always wanted to learn the secrets of extracting espresso, brewing the perfect cup, and making beautiful latte art. In the year before I started medical school, I decided it was time to finally learn. I got a job as a barista in uptown Dallas and got to learn the tips and tricks that were essential in craft coffee- and now I’m ready to spill the beans…or should I say coffee beans?
I made sure to learn several different brewing techniques, acquired various machines over the time, tried all the coffee beans I could get my hands on- so if you have a question- hit me up. A lot of people have questions and curiosities when it comes to coffee, which is great! It can be super intimidating when there’s so many different styles and versions and flavors to explore. But I’m here to help. I’m going to use this section to help share some of the techniques I still use when I make my cup of coffee. They’re all simple techniques that are sure to impress your friends and family. But beware: once you start using these guidelines, your kitchen will be the new hotspot for coffee & demand will be high!
The first trick I wanted to share is this gorgeous mocha flower. As a barista, making mochas (& hot chocolates) were one of my favorites because I got to do easy designs that everyone was impressed with! [By the way, mochas are just a normal latte with a little pump of chocolate sauce mixed in.] I really love making mochas for friends. All you need is chocolate syrup. I use Hershey’s special dark chocolate syrup. As the video shows, you just pour the chocolate syrup in a spiral. Don’t worry about how messy or uneven it is! In the end, it’ll be beautiful. Using a food thermometer or a sharp knife, pull the circle inwards at dedicated points and then reverse the method in each flower petal. The video will show exactly how to do this technique.
So go forth & make some delicious hot chocolate or mochas for your friends. Impress everyone with this easy but fancy trick! And remember, ask me if you have any questions or if there’s a general coffee tutorial you would like to see!