Introducing my sister’s all-time favorite dessert: frozen banana pops dipped in dark chocolate and tossed into chopped almonds. As far as recipes go, this is one of the shortest and simplest desserts to whip up. All you need is dark chocolate, bananas, and almonds. Honestly when my sister first wanted this recipe, I thought she was being a health-nut. I mean really, bananas don’t exactly scream “dessert“, right? Okay so I admit that the first batch was mainly for my sister- but once we all tried it, we were hooked! Frozen bananas are a game changer. The consistency and flavor just works better frozen. Add in the chocolate and almonds, and psh no question about it.
We would buy a batch of bananas and use them solely to make full-size chocolate banana pops. The only downside was that it got a bit messy. Originally we were trying to melt the chocolate in the microwave, and then the banana would cause the chocolate to harden up, and then we’d reheat the chocolate which would just make it worse and burn up clumps of chocolate. Yeaaah it was a cycle. Thankfully many numerous attempts helped me refine the recipe to be easy, quick, and clean! To be frank- the only messy part left over is the chocolate covered mug at the end and even that is a quick fix! Just make sure to pour the hot water from the pot into the mug- and BAM! Chocolate residue just melts away. What I’m trying to say is that there is literally no good reason to not whip up a batch of these. Try them now, while the hot summer is still lingering and you can have a constant frozen dessert in the freezer waiting just for you!
- 3 medium bananas
- 6 popsicle sticks
- 2 cups dark chocolate chips
- 1 cup almonds
- A few hours in advance, cut the bananas in half and pierce them with a popsicle stick through the middle. Place all 6 pops in a container and allow the bananas to freeze.
- When ready to make the pops, set up a double boiler. (I place a heat-safe bowl over a small pot of simmering water). Place chocolate into ziploc bag and seal. Place ziploc bag into the bowl and allow the heat of the water to melt the chocolate fully.
- While chocolate melts, chop the almonds coarsely. Then pour out onto a flat plate. Set aside.
- Once chocolate is fully melted, snip a large corner out of the ziploc bag and pour chocolate into heat safe mug. (You may place the mug into the shallow water in the hot pot to allow the chocolate to maintain it's heat. Be careful to not allow water to seep into the mug as water seizes chocolate.)
- Remove bananas from freezer. One at a time, dip the pop into the mug to cover in chocolate. Then quickly roll the pop in the almonds. Set back into container. Repeat for remainder of pops.
- Freeze banana pops for 8 hours or overnight.
- Serve cold, straight from the freezer!